Saturday, August 5


Went Baskin Robbins... Had cookies and cream and after eight… Whee… 31%discount... More indulgences which leads to a thicker waist… Taste buds that are rather deprived felt so good after the Old Asia Café’s beef curry as well… MMmmm… Thanks so much for everything… Appreciate it very much love ya for it… Met an old friend and the atmosphere felt weirdly funny due to some circumstances…

Went for the Chinese Society thing… Wow the performance was so good… They made kungfu look as if it’s done just like that… The “yoyo”players were very well done as well even though there were some slips here and there… The play it was so long winded practically going to put me to sleep… But the acting skills of the actors and actresses it was so real wei… Great job… The drum players… wow wow wow… definitely worth the time and money wei… But I missed the interview for the pesta tang lung… But well…

Class was canceled again… Ish ish… But cant blame the lecturer cos she’s pregnant and having a really hard time… Went to the faculty just to send in some homework ish… Then came the better part J
After that went to pasar malam with my family…
CK find out how to join the I Z thing ya…

Jazz fest was great… Cheese Naan was as well J Thanks for giving me a good time ya… See you guys soon…

BTW… Monkeys are prowling around in college these days… Cant even open the window without fearing that they will jump in to grab our stuff… Ish ish…

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