Saturday, July 1

Your presence shall be greatly missed

Your presence shall be greatly missed…

Was supposed to send JM off at the LRT station until… Hmph… Don’t want us to see you is it… Bwek… When you miss us hug the teddy ya… Or just stare at it then you’ll see the faces of 3very important people ya… Nian, your sis and I… Wakakaka… Don’t lose it ar!!! Shall miss crapping and yakking with you… Should have grabbed you and give you a big big hug last night wei… Haiz… Regret pula…
To a friend, what ever will be will be, don’t think too much, at times go with the flow and you may find something you treasure, but if you don’t it may not be your time yet… But it doesn’t mean you’ll never find it… Faith will bring people together don’t you think…
Met up with some F6 friends last night but didn't really talk much hm... E who's the organiser that didn't turn up in the end... Hmmm... Who's fault... So what should that person do hmm...

WT... I wanna hear your comments... Faster tell lar... Stop keeping me in suspense... Haiz...

YJ had a very great time talking to you… Updated you on some stuff don’t you think… Well… hehehe…
N: )
Safe journey to those leaving…
Haven’t even start packing for tomorrow yet… Haiz… Don’t know what to pack… How how… But there’s definitely a few things I’m bringing there… A giraffe to remember some one who always play with it, a tortoise to remember the tortoise gang, a piggy and an owl… OMG… WTH… I’m bringing so many soft toys and not like I hug them to bed it the first place… Aiks… Hope no one starts calling me a big kid wei… *blush blush...

Nian tommorrow's breakfast is definately on you wei... You were the one who started it right... Wakkaka... Shall claim my meal tmr... wakkakaka... bring more cash ya...

Hopefully i'll fit into Uni life... Hopefully i'll get some one i know as a room mate... Hopefully everything will go well... Hopefully... Hopefully... Well...well...

Tons of people will be greatly missed... Can't blog that often anymore... Haiz...

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