Tuesday, July 11

Blog deprivation

Orientation last week was rather torturous haven’t been sleeping so well…
The maximum of 2hrs a day is definitely not enough for piggy like me…
But the end of the orientation was quite fun… Did enjoy myself a little…
Was so lucky many times to run away from being punished… If not… Haiz…
The food here is not as bad as I heard…
Shall update about it more when I go home on Thursday…
For you information I’m a member of “PBSM” pasukan balik rumah setiap minggu…
Its not that I don’t like the place… Its just that I don’t want to wash my own clothes…
I know it’s lazy of me but well, since when have I ever been hardworking right…
Room mates hail from afar don’t have their pictures or anything cos I don’t have the stuff… But well…
I’m so blog deprived so a few sentences is sufficient to ease my desperate self to blog for a little while in the computer lab… I know I shouldn’t be doing this but then again…

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