Wednesday, June 28

Too much to do too little time... Too much to buy too little $$$

Too much to do too little time… Too much to buy too little cash…

- Went for medical check-up, after going to 3places… Bah…
- Went to open accounts at BCB and B. Islam…
- Went to school to certify certs and collect the ones left there…
- Went Am bank to settle some stuff…
- Went 1U to get the card…
- Went ikano shopping...
- Bought two pairs of slacks… Saw so much stuff that I wanted to buy but well…
- Then went 1U to shop…
- Bought even more stuff… Die lor die lor… I’m definitely draining my bank account fast…

Darn exhausted… As you can see laziness have occurred… Lazy to explain much about what happened…
More afraid of what’s going to happen tomorrow… OMG!!! Meeting “mom”… How how…. Wish me all the best ar…
SK!!! I help you gulp down a glass of beer right... So you should belanja me right... wakakaka... cant drink then dont lar...
Aiks my body is definately itching... Argh...

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