Friday, July 14

As far as half of the month goes...

Orientation week…

Went for registration, got my room Sri Melor 2-10A… That means I’m staying at Sri Melor block second floor room 10 bed A… I have 3other room mates who came from Perak, Johor and Kuantan… There is two bunk beds and my number was supposed to be for the top bunk argh… I don’t like heights… But well… Orientation was bad real bad… The activities just went on and on and on and time seems to pass so slow as if the clock just stopped ticking… The saps was fun though… At times meals have to be skipped just to buy some time for extremely short baths… Taklimats have been transformed into sleeping sessions… Every second of sleep is crucial as we have only a maximum of 2hours sleep a day… How great can that be… It nice getting phone calls every night, its sweet to be exact… But unfortunately my stupid brain cant stay awake and I fell asleep twice I think when I was on the phone… So sorry wei… But how are you to blame someone who sleeps at 3and wakes up at 430right… But how could I do it to some one who stays awake just to call me at 2something right… Bah what am I talking about… The last few days of the orientation was more fun the seniors were nicer, maybe its because they were tired as well… Or maybe they just got sick of torturing us… But I seriously never been so dirty in my entire life… Playing in mud is still cleaner than wearing a stinking dirty shirt for one entire week… Ewww… But everyone was like that cos we were forced to do it… Don’t even think of the stench everyone was letting out… *Pukes…
Was supposed to go home straight after orientation but haven’t even packed… hehhe… Was then supposed to go home at 7am but I couldn’t wake up even after my dad called for the umpteenth time…
Got complained by my mom cos I see her only for two hours while some other people get to see more of me… hmmm… Bah…

First week…
My time table goes like this…
Monday 930am – 1100am
230pm – 430pm
430pm – 600pm
Tuesday 930am – 1100am
1100am- 1230pm
Wednesday 800am – 900am
930am – 1100am
Thursday 930am – 1100am
1100am – 1230pm

The lecturers haven’t really started teaching yet and classes end so early that I had so much time to kill… I was practically free… Hmmm… Maybe im finally free enough to fall sick… Haiz… Down with flu, fever, cough and sore throat… Felt better after visiting the clinic… Everyone seemed to be down with the same sickness… Well… Lack of sleep I suppose…
I was so going to kill on Wednesday when someone canceled something but in the end it was a good thing… Thursday night was great but there were some hiccups here and there… Especially when the accident happened… I want to watch the starting of Superman Returns… but well…

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