Monday, June 26

The story of the drunkards and bloated…

Went to Yue’s house for her birthday party after work… Arrived there rather late but well the night was still young right… Food was great, tons of people made it… Whee the =ve and –ve group reunion… Py for once we didn’t lag behind eh… We are not drunk don’t even seem drunk right… JM got so red just after her first glass… Can’t blame her though cause it was her first time drinking alcoholic drinks… TF lost quite a number of times so quite a few glasses was drank… SK well… Even a whee bit a one mouth can make her bright red and in the verge of puking -_-“… PY this girl can drink wei… Every card game lost 1/2glass of beer had to be gulped down… Erm the beer finished in the middle of the game so it was substituted by Soya bean… Argh… This is where I suddenly started to lose continuously… Sobz… Was so bloated after drinking so much Soya bean… Aiks… S came back with more beer so more drinking session… Haiz… Everyone was in a rather hyperactive mode... Yaking away...
N sorry to keep you worrying ya… And I interrupted your fave match again… Erm found out the very next day again, hehehe… Haiz… What great timing I have eh…

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