Saturday, May 6

Somethings... Sometimes... Walalala

It doesn’t matter what other say as long as you know what you are doing
It doesn’t matter what others will and would do as long as you know who the one in your heart is
Age is a matter to me… But now I know… But it didn’t seem to be a problem to me last time…
Hmmm… Or is it maybe friends and relatives are in different categories…
It’s the heart that counts
Money is important yet it’s not the most crucial issue at times
To trust or not to trust…
People can be so intimidating at times, don’t you think
At times things can’t be changed but only can be improved
At times people are who they are no matter how irritating how nice
Many things are easier said than done
To like or to dislike is only a choice away
But yet at times you’ll be caught in the middle
Arrogance and cockiness is just intolerable
I so want to strangle you at times but well…
At times you seem so alone and lonely…
How how… You are making me feel torn apart…
It’s better to slack on others than towards yourself
To have higher requirements towards yourself is better than hoping more on others
Cut hair seems as if I never did, at least to others that is…
But as long as I feel more comfy I don’t care lar… wakakkaka…

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