Sunday, May 7

Going bananas

Why must I see you?
Why must you appear?
Can’t you be invisible or just disappear?
I was going to run away when I saw you… Fortunately you didn’t see me…
So many unneeded problems have been avoided Whoo hooo…
Not like I want to see you anyway… Bwek…
Go far far away…
If only I could cast a spell to turn you into dust or something like that…
If only…
That’s why at times going to the market in the morning has its cons…
But well…

Working life… BORING!!!
ZZZ… zzz… ZZZ…
How how…
Some one, some how… Find some way to spice up my life…
I’m becoming bored…Drowning in boredom...
Weiwei... Since when i'm sticking to you... Bwek...
Look clearly to find the truth k... Bwek...

Hmmm… Or maybe I just woke up from the wrong side of the bed… Bahbahbah

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