Thursday, May 4

It's flying shuttlecocks...

Went for an hour of badminton session with N, CK and LY… It’s been sometime since I last went for badminton… Erm it was like 1/2year ago… Skills gone rusty weight gone up… Erm don’t bother to imagine ya… But it was rather disastrous… Can’t hit the shuttlecock properly, can’t aim properly… Skill plunged to its minimum… Bah…
But it was fun playing… Whee… Jumping around… Fun fun fun… whee… Next time call me ya… I wanna play again… Wakakka… Exercising can make people lose weight right… Badminton is an exercise right… Whee… I still remember my old badminton kakies… PK,Hx and SK… Hey its been quite a long time since I last played with you guys… Find one day we go together ya…
Went for dim sum session after the game… Hmmm… eating right after sports makes weight gain faster right… Omg omg… Another indulgence… Aiks…
Oh ya… N ar… Next time don’t try to murder me ya… Accidents happen I know… But you did it on purpose right… Bwek… This time a tiny scratch next time… erm… Better don’t be a next time ya… I’ll try to dodge from your racket more carefully ya… Bwek...

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