Friday, March 10

Mixed feelings...

Accidentally ironed A today when I was helping him iron the t-shirt he was wearing… It sounds obscene but the fact is its not… Erm we use a standing steam iron to iron the back of his shirt but accidentally poked the iron onto his back… Oops… So sorry wei… There’s now a red patch on his back… I’m soooo sorry… Haiz… Better be more alert before anymore accidents happen…

N thanks for the sushi ya… I know you read my blog and absorb some of the crap I write here… Next time make more sushi ya… (another evil attempt to save money… wakakaka)

The papers said that this year a lot of students did very badly for maths T… OMG OMG OMG… So how… how… I really hope nothing bad happens… I really really need to survive it… Or else… *faints… Hmm… Today only I found out that I’m not supposed to choose Uni’s that are in the east peninsular… Mom don’t really approve having me too far away… So how… How…

Tmr is the appraisal thing... I'm hoping to excel in it... Hopefully i'll get a nice interviewee... Hmmm... Hopefully... I desperately want a pay raise... I'm very economically unstable... So those who owe me meals or cash better pay up all your debts ASAP ya... YN i'm talking bout u o... Faster belanja... Bwek...

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