Thursday, March 9


Wonder why I just look extremely odd and funny in skirts… It is true that I hardly wear skirts and I usually feel extremely uncomfortable in it… Hmmm wonder why??? Lately got someone told me that I should be more girl like and I’ve been too boyish… I was??? Was I??? Hmmm… So I should be more decent looking or should I start wearing skirts more often??? I wonder… Fine… I wear skirts less than 10times in an entire year… Pinafore and school uniform doesn’t count… Tried on a pink skirt which I rather be caught dead in for fun and it turns out extremely funny looking… Maybe cute looking clothes are just not for me… Hmmm… The mini that TF gave me looks fine… Wonder why…
Have gained weight… OMG… Wonder how that happened… Blah better start eating less soon… More exercising sessions should be done… Better stop eating out too much… Sustain the temptation of food… That’s rather hard don’t you think….
I look odd in specs… Have been trying on tons of spectacles these days and most of them either look odd on me or it seems that my eyes are just too large for the lenses or frame… WTH…
Shall be on MSN messenger less frequent due to some computer problems which unfortunately the computer illiterate me do not know how to solve… My internet connection these days are rather bad as well… Wonder why…
Results will be out on Thursday… Its less than a week… My sleeping problem is getting from bad to worst… I can hardly sleep a wink all night… Looking like a zombie… Eye seems as if its going to pop up any moment… Haiz…
Hope I’ll get reasonably good results… Hope that I’ll some how squeeze my way into local uni some how some way… Hope everything will turn out fine… Do help me pray... I'm going in the verdge of heart attack very soon...

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