Monday, March 14

Unleashed the shopperholic in me

Yippee after a few months being shopping deprived at last I got to go shopping again… Love this part of the holidays even though this holiday is rather short and packed. Reach 1U at about 11:30a.m. Met Pei Kuan at last, it was about 4months since I last saw her( as far as I can remember). Anyway, she’s now got a cool hairstyle. Her hair is now permed and curly in a very cool way.
While waiting for Jia Mun, we went SHOPPING… There were loads of sales everywhere (although this time the bargain didn’t seem as good as the one end of the year, but still). WH had quite good bargains cargo pants was just about 30++ and the t-shirts was even cheaper, for around RM20 you can get very very nice t-shirts.
At last Jia Mun and Kian Kiat arrived… Finally, its lunchtime and I am starving. Wanted to go eat Genki Sushi but SK didn’t want to go due to some reasons (sobz couldn’t claim my meal that KK owed me for god knows how long)… We went to eat fish & co instead, the food there was not bad, I love SK’s grilled calamari the most. Even though its rather chewy but the taste is just mouth watering…
Anyway, felt quite bad for leaving KK behind cause the temptation to shop is just too large… Anyway, he left halfway though the shopping trip (hehehe maybe all of us bore him to much cause we were rather absorbed with shopping at that time). We went around scouting for the attire that we should wear for the dance (Yeah by Usher, I know I can’t dance but still… What to do!!!).
Went to WH again, muahahaha found a t-shirt that I really liked and it only cost RM13… Muahahaha I think it’s a good deal. In the end, JM & I bought the same shirt (we vow we’ll make sure never to wear that shirt on the same occasion we are not Siamese twins right).
After SK went home we PK, JM & I went to eat Genki Sushi… Mmmmmmm, my craving for sushi is fulfilled at last…

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