Friday, March 11

Hmmm… Is it my sudden craving for food or is it that my appetite suddenly became few times larger???!!!

The amount of things that I ate today might be enough for 2days for small eaters… Before recess I was so staved that I ate the biscuits that I brought to school for recess… During recess I ate a plateful of rice, vegetables and a piece of Assam chicken… After school, I suddenly felt like eating and went to buy wantons… After I reached home I ate 1 1/2bowl of rice and a bowl of winter melon soup… After that I didn’t actually stop there, I ate tons of cookies for ‘tea’ which was just about an hour later… After tuition was extremely hungry again… Ate 2bowls of rice this time… Hmmm what wrong with me ya??? Sudden drastic increase in appetite… Ate 2slices of bread about an hour after dinner… Now as I’m typing this I’m eating prawn crackers… Hmm… I don’t feel full yet… What should I eat next??? Really wonder why I feel so hungry and food deprived today… Seems that my tummy will never get filled today… I’m still hungry!!!

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