Saturday, February 19

A little bit here and there

Today is the last day Pn. Norha will be in SMK Taman S.E.A…. this will also be the last time for her to host for hamper project… Sports day and the rest of the school activities will not be the same without her being the emcee…
This year it seems that lots of things are gonna change and some have changed in school… First, Zol have been have been promoted to become the Penolong Kanan Ko-kurikulum (argh cis cis), Pn. Ang is now the penyelia petang, Pn Phua is the new PK2, En Ong new PK1, Pn Tay transferred so Pn Chung is the new ed-board teacher, Pn Zaharah transferred so Pn Gowry took over guides and rangers, En Tazri transferred (hip hip hooray), Pn Ong transferred, Pn Norha’s gone, Pn Fatimah’s gonna retire in bout 2months time…
Did an itsy bitsy bit of social work today… Went to beautiful gates to send some hampers to them… After that helped them clean up the place a little… That place seriously needs lots and lots of cleaning… Maybe guides and rangers should organize a trip there to help them clean up the place…
Marching practice… Every time we have a marching I feel rather useless… Cos I’m not really good in marching and I kinda feel useless there… Haiz… have to start learning how to march again…

1 comment:

Sean Im said...

hey woman! don't get so obssessed over winning in marching...aiyoh...relax lah and just enjoy yourself...dun end up seksa-ing yourself and others...hahahaha