Sunday, February 20

Present day

Went to ikano, the curve and ikea with Hui Xian, Jia Mun and Sooi Kuan… Ate at Kim Gary… I shared a set meal with JM… The cream soup is rather tasteless, while the main course tasted very good (I LOVE CHESSE)… Mmm… Cheese baked rice with fish fillet… the fruit milk tasted good as well… Mun and my desert was ok because it was just normal anelene yogurt… But Kuan and Xian’s desert was rather gummy (their jelly taste erm… rather weird). The bread however tasted not bad… It was soooo thick fortunately all 4of us shared it or else…
Went to meet up with Huey Chee at G2000 to get her guides uniform (need to borrow it to some one for founders day)… Thanks lots for bringing. Then went to U2 to get Ming Foong’s guides uniform… Huey Chee and Ming Foong gave me a bottle of vanilla flavour body lotion from body shop)… Thanks gurls…
Went to try out some shirts at Baleno… Loved the black shirt but unfortunately they don’t have my size sboz… Hehehe felt s little bad for trying lots of clothes and not buying anything some more knew some one working there… Sorry ya Qian Ying…
Went Ikea to get ice cream (it never fail to get my taste buds)… Loved their soft cream the taste is rather different then the one MCD sells… Got ½ dozen of curry puffs for my parents (they love curry puffs)… Love Ikea… Love their food, furniture, layout of the store and most importantly the ever changing uniquely designed products…
Then we went to Pet Safari to get some water plants… Hehehe got to make fun of Jia Mun for once… Ngek ngek ngek… Hehehe… Don’t get angry ya…
Went back to Baleno to get a shirt (pink ½ button down t-shirt with a spaghetti strap inside)… Hehehe… JM, SK and HX couldn’t think of other things to give me for my birthday… Make it seem as if I’ve got everything I need (feel sooooo proud and lucky, hehehehe). Liked that shirt quite a lot… Erm… Thanks to HX, JM and SK for contributing ideas and financial support for that shirt, the rest of the people who gave financial support ya… Thanks lots to Hui Xian, Jia Mun, Kian Kiat, Kuang Chien, Qian Yue, Tan Foong, Sooi Kuan, and Yeaw Nian… Thanks for da shirt ya…
Took tons of crazy photos in the bus on the way home… The rest of the people in the bus must have thought that we’re insane or never took photos before… Hehehe the photos just look soooo funny…
Thanks lots to mum and dad who gave me a red packet and a cake, grandma for a red packet, Rachel and family for the gorgeous crystal bracelet… Thanks to all who send me messages and called me to wish me ya…
Enjoyed myself lots today… Really had lots of fun… Thanks you for giving me such a memorable birthday…

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