Friday, February 18

Pn. Norha’s farewell party

Sobz so sad Pn. Norha will be leaving us… The best teacher I ever had in form6… Why so many people have to leave… Sean Im left for Aust, Pn. Norha leaving for SMK BU2 to become the new PK1 there tomorrow, Michelle leaving on 19th Feb… My class did a farewell party for her, her talks never fail to touch my heart… but really didn’t want her to go, the way she teaches is sooooo interesting… her classes are not only lively but most importantly interesting, PA will never be the same after she left… Her sense of humor never fails to keep us awake during class unlike other PA teachers… Haiz… Well I believe that if u cannot stop someone you should go and support that person instead… So well… all the best to her and hopefully she’ll be happy in her new school and my class will get an outstanding PA teacher like her( if there are anymore teachers like her in Tmn SEA)

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