Saturday, February 5

Leadership Program, Marching Practice and Recycling Project

'>'> Had to go for a leadership program today… Thought it was gonna be very boring filled with talks and talks… But it turned out quite fun… At first I was rather afraid cos I was the only girl and the most inexperienced among the group of uniform body’s representative, I really don’t want to bring down the name of guides and rangers… Furthermore, the guide representative from afternoon session didn’t turn up and the rest of the people around me were starting to make a big fuss out of it… The program started with a cute mascot leading aerobics. Then we were separated into groups… I was in the same group with Mei Wan(the group leader) and 11other people… My groups name was larger than life (someone just blurt out that few seconds before we were supposed to inform other groups about our group name). I think the most creative group name is LOL, which stands for leader of leaders.
Then we were ask to go for a telematch… It was real fun although erm…there were problem faced… One of my group’s egg fell and broke and we had a really tough time walking diagonally with one leg stuck to the person beside(walking like crabs).
After a short break, we had another aerobic session lead by another extremely cute mascot… The steps were soooooo funny. Then we had to create a structure, which can protect an egg from breaking, and another structure that have to be the tallest and the strongest. Fortunately, I still remembered some of my knots or else… Anyway the egg had an itsy bitsy crack when it fell into the structure… Sobz… Well my group and I did our best so it’s okay, I guess… The structure didn’t fall but it wasn’t the tallest so my group didn’t win anything… But well, we tried our best and had lots of fun making it…
Marching practice… The turn up was pathetic… There was only about 18people there… So miserable… Sobz… I wanna win this years marching… wanna wanna wanna desperately wanna win this years marching… 6years ago guides and rangers were always the standing champions for marching but now… So I wanna win… I wanna get back what used to be ours and its my last year in school I really want to win for once, proving to the other societies as well that guides and rangers can do something very well for once… The biggest achievement I ever had in the marching team was in form3 where our team got 2nd place but we’ve been getting last after that… I don’t wanna be last again… I wanna win…
Sold the papers that were kept in the store room and my house and got RM141 Thanks Pui Mun for staying back with me and helping me… Thanks to her mum too who purposely send lots of paper and cardboxes to school so we can have enough to sell. Muaks muaks.

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