Sunday, January 30

The most tiring day in my entire life(Half a day as a kuli)

Woke up this morn at about 8am... Haiz have to wake up so early even though it’s a Saturday cos have to go to school for guides due to the PIBG meeting. Reached school atabout 830am ( I thought I was really early cos we were only supposed to meet teacher at about 900am but most of the guides was already there waiting for us) Haiz... Made it seem as if rangers are less punctual even though nearly all of us reached school punctually. “巫婆” look alike shooed us away as her gang wanted “their spot” in front of the canteen.
Did ushering and finished at about 1030 I think the respond for this year’s PIBG is rather bad the hall wasn’t even half filled when the meeting started. Then was asked to distribute water to the parents and teachers... Haiz
had to give water to that “猪头” and had to bear with his weird sense of humor. The tray filled with bottled water that we were supposed to ditribute was soooooooooo heavy, my hands were a little aching after that.
Then we went to the store to weigh the papers kept in the store and separate the papers as well... Did that for about one hour then went back to the hall to clean up... I was already feeling rather
exhausted... There was quite a large number of bottled water left so we shifted it all back to the store (if everyone forgets about it then all the bottled water will become the property of guides and rangers Muahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha). Shifted the bottled water twice (its very very very heavy cos there are 2dozen bottles in a box) was half dead after that... At least we were allowed to go home after that or else I might just faint on the spot... Today I found out that “锅底 can be a real slave driver making us do one thing after another, pity her maid if she has one...
Thanks lots to those who came and help out today ( a big bunch of guides and rangers, Jia Mun, Qian Yue, Foong Yee, Pui Mun, Eileen, Grace, Kar Kei and May Ping). Special thanks to those who stayed back to help out in weighing and separating the papers (Jia Mun, Qian Yue, Foong Yee, Pui Mun and Grace muaks muaks muaks)
Still feeling rather tired even after taking a nap and now my hands are aching... Sobz...
Happy Birthday Yek Lian... We went to eat at an Italian restaurant in SS2(same row with secret recipe). The lasagna there was not bad... Rather speechless since its been quite a long time since I saw Yek Lian... Went to McD after that...
Later my dad called me to inform me that the
aquarium at home broke... Erm the first thing that I thought of was the aquarium’s glass broke and water starting to pour out like a waterfall that kind of thing. But in the end, fortunately the aquarium was just leaking and the fishes in there were save and sound... The fishes had to be transferred into pails though... The Poor fishes have to cramp into a small pail...

1 comment:

Jane said...

hahaha.great blog u have here! I am in my college now, cant access to the chat box in your blog. SO, since no one posted any comments here, i shall post one la. hehe. i really enjoy reading ur's rather interesting to read your description of some stuff..i like the 'aquarium' part the fiction yah..waterfall gushing out..AHAH. Small tsunami for the fishies. have a great time in form 6 kay? juz gimme a tinkle if u need to talk to me... tata! muaks!