Wednesday, January 26

Tuition, Shopping & New haircut

Sobz gotta wake up early today even though it was a public holiday... When i went to tuition it was already filled with people... Sobz didn't even have empty seats left, and i thought i was early(15minutes early). In the end shared a chair with ELane for bout 1 1/2 hour... During the last 1/2 hour of tution then only we found out that there was an extra chair left.... Argh suffered for 1 1/2hours for nothing haiz...
Had to rush for maths tution straight after chemistry tuition & this is called a public holiday is seems....
Went Ikano Power station for a haircut after tution, the hairdresser's name is Dorothy. Her cutting skils is ok i guess... but due to my hair texture is rather different with the hairstyle model i choosed so the result was rather different... Sobz my hair looks really messy now.... Below is the hairstlye i wanted: .

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