Tuesday, January 25

House Practise

Argh... Had to purposely stay back to go for house practise while the rest of the people can go home and rest... Haiz the weather was soooooooooo hot.... Thank goodness i didn't get sun burnt after the practise...
First we had to run 2rounds for warm-up, then we had to run 100m. Haiz... really didn't know what happen ck & I ran first second place and had to rerun again... After that we went for high jump. Unfortunately, i didn't have the guts to jump since its been few years since i last did high jump. Then we had to run 400m... Argh i was half dead after running so many times in one day... It has been a rather long time since i ran soooooooo much, felt sooooooo tired and a little proud of myself still able to run for about 1km since i never ran for bout 1year.
2house practise attended, 6house practises left...

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