Thursday, January 27

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

Woo hoo... The chemistry test was postponed because teachers have a meeting this morning...
Biology project... Long live Pn. Yip for allowing us to postponed the date due of all the biology projects...
But later, we found out that we have to stay back for MT6 meeting sobz... Have to stay back again...
Darn geram... spent da whole day looking for "哪咤" high & low like nobody's biz.. In the end found him on the way back to class... Arghz...
Then `锅底' broke out a mixture of good & bad news..."猪头" approved our gathering but wouldn't allow us to get sponsors... What is the point doing a gathering when we cannot find sponsors/// Argh...
After school thanks to my big mouth... Tersilap kata... in the end made someone angry pula... Really really really sorry and im really really very very sad about it... Sigh... life is really like a box of chocolates u'll never know what will happen the next second in life...

1 comment:

suetz said...

wey wey weyyy.... why got blog also never tell me ar? huh?