Friday, November 6

Tuesday, February 20


sadly blogger have choosen to boycott me... therefore have shifted blog to

Sunday, January 28

back from johor

Went to johor on sat noon cos my cousin was getting married the drive there was so tiring wei... ZZZzzz... Now i now how taxing driving long distance can be...
shall talk about it later when i feel more energetic ya... lack of zzz for a few days due to sleeping on sofas fro 2days in a row... But well...

Friday, January 19

I cant believe this

Have you ever had lecturers asking stupid questions and not teaching according to syllabus??? Have you ever had lecturers not come into class gives the lamest excuse and then blame the rest of it on you and your class??? I have… I so miss the first semester lecturers wei…
First, we had an irritating pjk l who ss so much in class and forces students to speak up in class even though you have nothing to share at all… Asking you are you married??? Sneezing, coughing, moving are signs that you want to speak in class-_-“
Then came an even weirder L… Lets call her F… I’ve never ever seen a lecturer this “hardworking” in my entire life wei… We’ve already had 5 3hr long classes with her and all we did was 2unfortunate slides… The rest of the time was used for her “experience” sharing… Think ss (when she was younger… when she was still studying… wth)… But the worst thing happened on thurs… We had to wait for 2 and a ½ hrs just for her and when we went of for lunch you couldn’t imagine what we saw… We saw her at dataran E sitting on the stairs…getting a massage from a group of her wantan students and happily closing her eyes indulging in the highness… WTH… Made us wait for her for so long just cos she wanted a massage… OMG…
Then at the last 15min of that class… She went back and said… I went for a meeting with my boss… (erm, when you had class)… Then the floor was calling her loud… (OMG… she can hear floors… OMG OMG… teach me teach me…) and the worst thing was I came back and only saw 10people in class, so disappointing (ooo… 2hrs plus of waiting is not disappointing and the last few minutes is… WTH)… Haiz… And of all things we have her for every sem starting from this one… At least now I know where the attitude of some teachers come from… Their lecturers… Wth…

Ponggol festival

For once my room mates and I didn’t need to be forced to join an event in college. Usually we’ll have to be dragged down by our families just to go down for an event… This time we even joined the ponggol rice cooking competition… I didn’t even know that I’ve registered for that event until my room mates told me that I’m not to go out of college on Tue… -_-“ BTW the both of them also haven’t ever tried cooking rice with an open fire before and what more say to start a fire… OMG…

Anyway, when the event started they didn’t even know what twigs to choose first… Haiz… Suddenly I felt that guide’s knowledge have some usage after all… Hehehe… In the end we didn’t win cause the speed of the milk thing didn’t boil as fast as the other group… But well, we joined for s.s so it doesn’t matter that much anyway… hehehe…

Saw my course mates dance for that night… Wow, loved the way R danced wif S… It was nice and cute… Jinni was declared the miss ponggol and mr ponggol was I don’t know who hehehe…

cc trip

Now that I’m finally back from cc trip I’ve got loads of souvenirs to show off… There were tons of leeches jumping around when we when hiking… Therefore, leech bites were found on my thighs, hands and arms… Haiz… What a blood donation wei. Btw, I went for blood donation last week that was held in kps… Had to wait for 3-4hours just to donate blood wei… Could you imagine how many people were there… Anyway, back to the cc trip… The trip was quite boring and lagging since it was raining it was the most luxurious camp after the cf camp I went in f5… They had chalets equipped with heaters and air condition… Food there was however typical local spicy food… But well, since when camps became so luxurious or probably I’m too used to uniform bodies camps…

Update about life and the second semester

I’m finally back after 2months of computer breakdown and net line problem… the 2nd semester had a very jumpy head start. I miss the lecturers from the first semester… I’m not sure it’s me or it’s the fact that the lecturers that I got for this semester are mostly s.s (syok sendiri). There are only two lecturers that I could stand at the moment… The teaching about prose and the grammar one… The rest talks so much about themselves so much that a 3hour class can be used to teach just a mere page… Haiz… I really wonder how great this semester will become…
Have to wake up at 6something these days due to 8o’clock classes every morning, but fortunately I don’t have to walk to class anymore because a course mate of mine have shifted out of college and drove to uni… Yet lunch has to be skipped due to lack of money and lack of time to return to college just for lunch…
Sleep deprivation is getting more and more serious by day… There seems to be not much time for naps anymore unlike the previous semester where we get loads of time very everything…
Don’t feel like going for the cc trip that I’ve paid for a few months ago… Hmm the ugre of going seems to have vanished into thin air… Furthermore, I had to miss the sevonders gathering just because of that stupid trip… I’ve also just found out that digi cannot be used at that area while maxis have a weak signal… How how haiz…

Tuesday, November 28

erm usin com fr library heheh

Havent been goin out wif someone n i miss that loads... Hardly been able to go out wif u during hols sorry, shall make it up 2u when uni starts ya...
Sorry cant make it 4ur thing tmr ya yj...
The jap exam thing is driving me nuts...
Too much to learn to little time left...
Argh... Blame it on my procrasination i guess...
Better go b4da librarian catches me usin the com for things other than searching for books hehehe

I'm still here mind you...

To those who thought i've disappeared into thin air...
The fact is i havent...
Just that im running extremely low on credit
and that im seldom at home
and my com is at the sick bay
So the bottomline is that im still alive
and have not disappeared...hehehe

Thursday, November 2

wish me luck...

exams shall be starting on 4Nov...
shall stop blogging till 16Nov i guess...
wish me luck...
wish me the best yar...
darn freaked out now...
ish ish... the usual roo to freak out like mad before exams but well...
hope i'll survive yar...