Sunday, August 20

Do Ignore My Emotional State...

I am not as strong as I thought…
I feel weak in studies…
As though I’m not catching up…
But the fact is there are no way for me to know…
Uni is way different from school…
There are no monthly tests to test on your proficiency…
I start to question my knowledge…
I start to… I don’t know… I’m getting slightly on the emotional side…
I need to get the results…
I have to… I desperately need to… But I’m not sure can I…
I did better stop procrastinating,
Start studying, start checking my spelling and grammar
Start developing the red pen syndrome…
Start speaking in fluent and correct English…
At times even your favorite subject can turn into pain…
Its not chronic pain its more like the pain on your behind…
I don’t feel like a teacher act like one anyway…
So how… Am I in the wrong course I don’t know…
I know I will not fail it but will I score… I don’t know
There’s no way to know because there aren’t any mediums to show you how you did…
There’s only the main exam which is more like the matter of life and death…
I’m ok I’m just unsure about how am I doing so far that’s all…
I will never be the top scorer but I don’t want to be the last either…

I thought I could control my emotions in a better way…
I thought it will never interfere with my brain waves…
I must have ignored the importance…
I didn’t know…
I never knew until today…
I thought my sanity level was higher…
But well…
One thing for sure…
It interferes no matter you want it to or not…

A friend’s getting married…
The rest make it seem to be a not so good thing due to some stuff…
But I seem to be so happy for her no doubt I didn’t show it that much…
I’m more like excited to see her get married… hmm… wonder why…
2Sept… whee…

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