Monday, May 8

Its great meeting you guys again

E thanks for dropping by, I’m still sorry that I’m not able to make it the other day so you had to come all the way just to pass me my pendrive. Its great talking to you… I haven’t been meeting up with the gang after I started working… Our timetables just don’t seem to be able to click… Haiz… Sacrifices have to be made for extra income… Haiz… Seriously got tons of catching up to do eh… CK, WT… How have you guys been haven’t been meeting you guys for god knows how long!!! YJ!!! I haven’t even been taking to you for like the past few months… Aiks… And we are so near compared to Lish, Suetz and SI who are so far away… Haiz… Better start meeting up very soon ya… The only way I seem to get updated is to read your blogs… Aiks… E ar… Update your blog a bit lar…
SK OMG!!! You lost so much weight!!! How did you do that??? Haven’s seen you for quite long as well… And we work under the same roof… Haiz…

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