Friday, April 21

You gain some you lose some...

You gain some you lose some…

Some things are better off the way it is...
Some people are better left as friends…
Some things are better found early than late…
Some things are better left unknown…
Human will never know what faith lies for them…
Sometimes stagnant is a good thing…
For the happy, for the sad…
No worries, not tears were shed…
Maybe its not deep enough I suppose…

When you think life is depressing…
Suddenly there comes a bit of hope…
The joy comes after the pain…
The joy seems to be more than the pain…
Erm… More like an ant bite hehehe…

At times I ask myself…
Why am I so gullible…
I seem to take in every word that anyone tells me…
It seems that people are getting harder to be believed in these days…

I dislike choosing sides…
I dislike listening to people back stabbing each other…
Yet it’s not a choice for me to choose…
Unfortunate… but it happens everyday…
I want to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil…
Yet words are usually easier said than done…

Hopefully a friend will be able to solve and diminish the problems that she is facing with her family now...
I do not know who is to blame...
I just hope things will go well for her...

I talk the walk more than I walk the talk…
Better start changing and walk the talk more often…

Lets pray that everything will come out well…
I’ll speak in proper English…
Live without the writer’s block on the 27th April…
Speak without stammering…
And not cluck like a chicken…
I badly want to get in…
Hmmm… Better start looking, talking and acting like a teacher eh…
Just hope that I’ll be able to get in…
Better start speaking in proper English and not in manglish…
Start writing properly and not in short forms…

Shall be a little richer on Wednesday…
Got a job in Bukit Bintang for a day…
A friend got my the job... Thanks loads...
Its for some kind of fair...
Details will only be given tommorrow though...
The pay is not bad and the food is provided…
I just hope that the people there are nice and friendly…


0典 said...

what u gained more than what u lose. tsk tsk tsk. LOL

yeongru said...

let the bygones be the bygones and let faith lead the way... eh... yer stop tsk tsking lar...