Sunday, April 23

Its a love and hate thing...

I miss my classmates and I miss school…
Whee, whining like a kid as usual… Its been a long time since I meet them and its happy to be able to see and chat with them once again…

What’s wrong this time???

Last time it was about safety this time it was wrong timing??? WTH??? Wrong timing??? I’m expected to fall sick and get some muscle ache after jogging??? What sort of excuse is this??? First you start nagging that I didn’t get the interview… When I get it you start thinking and preventing the worst to happen??? Since when jogging became a bad thing??? Who was the one who was complaining that I was gaining weight and moving too little??? Blame in on the most illogical stuff this time… So what will it be the next time??? The sky might fall or the earth might be on fire??? WTH… More and more lame excuses just to keep me at home??? I haven’t been going out as often as I used to k… Its not that I’ve got nothing to do.. But its because I’m getting sick of those nagging k… I’m already 20… Can I just have I little more space??? Can I??? Can I???

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