Sunday, April 16

A year before, a year after...

Not exactly a year but well… Many many things have changed… Rules were tighter then… The teachers were more strict and irritating then… More rules were made to be followed…
It rained before the event then… It rained when the event was about to start now… We only had people from our school… They had outsiders and SI’s… We had rent chairs… They got to borrow… The HM was more supportive now... That idiotic pighead became less picky…
We had a very supportive crowd… Hey what do you expect… They were all from our own school then…. The scouts were still kind and supportive as usual… I still feel embarrassed when I see V and ZL… Maybe it’s because they have done a lot for us last year and this year as well… Hmmm… Still had to work with them this year due to the unforeseen rain fall… I never thought I’d ever work with them anymore after f6…

Started extremely late this year due to Mother Nature… How could you be so cruel to do this twice to us… Once before once during… Did you know how hard these people work to get everything done and you just shatter their work by sending clouds over to sprinkle raindrops…
The dance is way better this year compared to last…. More power and the moves were way sexier… LV still as bitchy as ever… You should have seen her move wei… Hurts the eye… My poor eye… AAAAhhhh…

I missed YL… Today I was definitely reminded why she has always been the senior that I always look up to… Or maybe its just “yi dai bu ru yi dai”…

Some have definitely grown… Many changes can be seen in the way they do their work… Some for the better some for the worst… A friend was very straight forward when It came to comments… Personally I was rather taken aback when he actually said that… But thinking twice… It’s a very good thing that some one would actually be so frank and straight forward don’t you think… People like these are very hard to find nowadays… I have to agree that discipline have gone down tremendously… At times its not that we can help it… Some things were very unorganized… Well… Things will never be 100% smooth flowing but well… Oh ya… That fella also suggests that we shouldn’t have the gathering in April in future so that we’ll not have any problems with the weather… Will blame it on the weather I suppose…

I feel that last year’s gathering is more like a start and a stepping stone to the juniors… At least they had a chance to see and know how and what its like to organize one… There will always be things that I would regret that I didn’t get a chance to do during the last gathering but well… Time will never turn back and I can only look forward and look back at a time or two…


Am I extremely aggressive??? Someone just told me that I’m an aggressive person just now… Hmmmm… Am I??? Am I??? The way people work differs in one another... I feel that no two people should be compared but yet... People tend to compare... Haiz... 人比人气死人啊!!!


E thanks for the Easter chocolates… Thanks for the play tickets as well… YJ sorry I can’t make it for your Easter thing at your church this year… Its been a long time since I last spoke to you…

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