Wednesday, April 12


To trust or not to trust...
To believe or not to believe...
To feel cheated...
To feel like a dumbo for being so trusting...
Cannot judge books by covers???
Innocent looking yet not so???

Life may go even more bitter when that two leaves...
Less and less frank and honest people around... Ish ish...

With moral values yet...
A little lost at many times...

Everytime i talk about a girl...
Another girl with the same name will call me up...
Is this some kind of sign???
OMG i'm starting to become superstious...
Bad sign... Bad sign...

Praying that it won't rain on 15th April...
I now how frustrating it feels like to prepare hard and yet get a down pour...
I hope that history will not repeat itself and that everything will go fine for them...
Hope they like the suprise installed for them...
Hmmm... I wonder how'd the meet up with the teacher and ex-treasurer go by???
Wonder was the problem solved???
Wonder was the amount recovered???
Still wondering... hehehe

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