Wednesday, April 26

stress level high...

Stress level getting sky high, anxiety level scorching the walls... There’s only about 16hours more to the big day… What if I screw up??? What I my crapperlogy just won’t start pouring out of my mouth??? What if I start to stammer??? What if I just can’t find the right words??? What if??? What if??? Extremely afraid right now… Starting to freak out… hmmm… AAAAAAhhhhhhhh… OMG I just heard that there’s a written test for it… How how??? I haven’t been writing anything right after the MUET test… How how… Its about a year ago… Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh…
Stress aside… Money was easily earned today… Reached there at 8sharp… I was so afraid I would be late because I wasn’t very sure about the exact location... Started at about 830at the registration counter… Collected money then did nothing but lazing around for about an hour or so… Had breakfast… It was cute little pies and cakes… Mmmmmm… Indulgence… Then went to the lobby to continue lazing around… Was going to grow moss there… After that waited for time to pass and there came the time to have lunch… The lunch was great… The poached salmon, steak and asparagus soup was ssoooooooo good… The desserts were even more lip-smacking… OMG… Please don’t talk to me about kilojoules now… The amount of fattening stuff I just ate was well… Nvm… Hey so if anyone ever finds a job like this and needs more people do be kind enough to inform me ya… After lunch played bingo for an hour or so at the lobby, then went to M’s dad’s office… Then lazed around for a few more hours till the dinner reception starts… Wow not a bad way to earn RM80… Thanks loads M… Hey you should have told me to prepare a coat… I was so underdressed… By the way, Carton conference center is so nice… The ambience and all oolala…

Went to uptown with colleagues it started drizzling but it was a good thing it didn’t pour very heavily or else… The food there… OMG… It tasted rather badly way below average… Its been quite a long time since I went to mamak like place and it was so hot and stuffy… Don’t laugh at me k, bwek… I know im rather weak in the childcare department… Erm more like zero knowledge in that field… But still practice makes perfect right… Hehehe… Sat in the car that N drove… What glory eh… I feel so lucky… I reached there in one piece… Wakkaka… jkjk… don’t come whack me… Your driving skills ok lar… Practice makes perfect eh… wakkaka…

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