Thursday, April 27

Screwed up... ishish

I felt quite calm and went back to school to get some backup… Well… I love school enjoyed the company loved some of the teachers there… Its nice talking to them once again… They gave me some very funny and helpful tips… I think their words were the most soothing to me… hehehe… Well, some teachers commented that my skirt was too short (its already knee length), too many buttons down, earing too flashy because it is dangling…
Only 25people was there for the interview… There were people from Melaka, Johor and other places in Selangor… Waited for an hour or so… The only person that I knew there was Rachael…. I saw Pn Julie there so I was quite happy to see someone I actually know… The longer I waited the more anxious I was… Then there came my turn… I was the 3rd last…
I only went in for like 3minutes and I was done… I was asked to describe myself… I was talking so much crap about me and forgot to say anything about guides and clubs… Then of all things I told her I blogged and she started to ask me about blogging and why I blog and erm… I think I was talking about the blog most of the time in the end… Then she asked for my results… When I told her my MUET… She was still ok… When I told her my STPM results… She said ONLY!!! I was like… Oh gosh, I’m so dead… then I as asked to describe myself as a teacher… I was starting to babble… Then came the question that I wanted to think that I’m going to die… Any last words??? I was like… Am I dying??? Or am I just kicked out??? AAAAAAhhh… Screwed up… Ish ish… Thanks to results… OMG…. Only is a very strong word k… *faints…
Then went retail therapy with mun… More like crapping session… Thanks loads ya.. I think she’ll be really sick of me… I was more like grumbling for hours… Went to ikano and visited Kluang station… the palce there is not bad… can be seen from far…

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