Saturday, April 1

2 new fellas and 45minutes of darkness...

Two new fellas came today a girl and a guy… The girl a little erm… Jumpy would you call it… Then the guy extremely quiet yet very very hardworking… I bet his the most hardworking person in the entire shop now… The guy was from Mid Valley because their shop is under renovation at the moment… So hardworking wei… We are like only giving 10% of his effort… Now I see why their sales there is so good… Weiwei… Don’t force other people to say I’m pretty when I’m not lar… Words that don’t come from the heart don’t count… Bwek…
The power suddenly went out at about 930… Didn’t return until 1015… Cis was supposed to be able to go home early yet.. Our gate was electric operated so we can’t leave because the door can’t come down… It took quite a while for E to find some one to close it… Yet in vain… In the end he called some one and that some one told him how to… After the gate was closed half way here comes the electricity… Effort wasted don’t you think… Haiz… Can’t go home early in the end… Cis…
To the friend that was watching ice age… Were you still in the cinema when the electric was out??? So what happen… How how??? Tell me tell me…
I believe that gender is not an issue when it comes to teaching and cooperating… Is it so hard or shy to ask someone another gender to teach or work with you??? Hmmm… *wonders… Or maybe its just me… I wonder…

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