Tuesday, March 28

One is not guilty until proven… yet…

It is true that one shouldn’t be said as guilty until proven but yet at times when things seems to be pointing onto one party makes me feel like jumping into conclusion… I feel like strangling her… It is not easy to get that amount of money… It has never been easy to even get the approval to get the money… Have you ever tried so hard just to get a stupid approval??? Have you ever practically screamed at someone just to get something done??? Have you ever faced pig head and negotiated with him in a very bad tone??? Have you ever walked shop to shop trying to get sponsorship… Have you ever forced many people to fork out their own money to pay for something that they don’t really have to??? How could you betray our trust towards you… How could you as a treasurer instead of keeping money in the end taking it as your own… How could you be a traitor to your own society, erm in a way… It is not easy to earn an amount like that k… How many people’s effort have been wasted due to your greed… I don’t understand how a person that have a very creditable record in school will actually do a thing like that… To keep the money from school might have been a big mistake since it gave you the opportunity to take it as your own… I planned for the future yet you ruined it… I knew that funding projects would be harder in future so lots of savings was done last year to ensure that they had enough for this and next year… Yet…
Did you know that you have made the teacher feel very responsible for this and made her sleepless and restless… Do you know the circumstances… Do you know how upset we are towards you… I have always thought that you have a very strong religious background and yet now… How could you… I don’t want to get involved in any of this but yet its not really my choice anymore… I feel that when I retire from it meaning I will not involve myself into anything that has to do with it… Yet… 人在江湖身不由己… MF do allow me to state that I’m not blaming nor angry at you nor your board…

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