Tuesday, March 28

Babbling.. bla bla bla

I feel useless at times… Erm most of the time to be exact… I know too little… Don’t know too much… Hmm… Should start learning more stuff…
思念。。。 有发神经了。。。真是的。。。 超级大傻婆。。。
Commenting on JM’s post… I agree that those people are extremely irritating at times… But those are the people who will ensure us a higher pay don’t you think… At times they seriously ask funny questions… When they are outside the fitting room they’ll ask you where is it… Treat you as a calculator or treat as if you are invisible… Asking where is the mirror when its just right in front of them… Haiz… What to do… This is life… Hope time flies and we’ll be free from it eh…
Today at KFC… N was just so funny wei… Erm… Rather embarrassing I would say… Wakakkaka… I know you read this… You were so darn funny… wakakkaka… “Its so cheap!!!” wakakaka…
V for vendetta… Nice action movie… The fighting scenes were rather unrealistic at times… Think ketchup oozing out from fresh wounds… The rest of it was not bad… worth watching I guess… Hmmm JM so how does it feel to watch movies alone??? Tried it right… Any comments about it???

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