Saturday, January 28

Whee WAng wAng Whee

WAkakaka its not new year yet and yet i've got my first red packet... Its not from anyone i know... Yeah, you can say its from a total stranger... It was from a customer that i served... She just say this girl so nice give her one ang pau lar... Wakakakka... I'm nice??? Hmmm... Must be my cuteness has enchanted her... Or is it that i remind her of her own daugther... I wonder... Wakakkaka... The rest of the people in my shop was so jealous... Wakakaka... I was the only one who got it and I'm 5bucks richer due to that... Lalala... %bucks is not that much but still... She said I served well didn't she...
Have been continuously become a money counting machine for 3days... Its a pain having to count a few thousands a day yet not even a penny is yours... Yet, if you miscalculate the money you have to fork out your own money to pay back... How sad... Count money and swipe cards till i go crazy...
Boss came again this time bought stuff but didn't use staff purchase... Wanted to ask but got stopped by colleuege... Is it wrong to ask???
Got complimentary coffee and a loaf of bread from Kluang Station... Don't ask me why but people from my shop just keep getting complimentary stuff from there... Wakkaka... FFooooddddd...
Saw my cousin... Yet i could hardly recognise him... Stared for about 5to 10minutes just to wonder make sure I didn't mistaken some unknown as my cousin... Well... The gutless me didn't approach him to say hi in the end... I just gave him a smile and he just smile back... I think he can't recognise me as well... hmm... how sad eh... But i was sure he was my cousin after i checked his credit card slip... hehehhehe... What a nice way to find out do you know that person eh *frowns...
Bah... Should be in jolly mood as tommorrow is Chinese New year... Wkakakaka... Food, fun, visiting friends and family and... most importantly... Red packets *YR flashes $$$$ sign in her eyes... Wkakakakaka

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