Friday, November 25

1U for the third time in a week

This time I had tons and tons of fun, food and splurged quite a lot… Hmmm my purse seems to be bleeding and thinner… Haiz… Gonna be broke really really soon… Went there with Sean Im and YJ… Haven’t been catching up with them for a very very long time… Sean Im just came back from Aussie erm ok maybe not so recent but well… I was having exams then… We seem to spend more time on food then shopping but in the end no one went home empty handed… Hmmm… And SI was complaining that she haven’t bought enough…
Had lunch in Zuup… Hehehe had loads of fun hogging YJ’s cam until it ran out of battery… Hmmm… Must be the cam got jealous of my cute face… Wakaka… Don’t start whacking me ok… We got complimentary ice cream again, this time we had chocolate ice cream… Mmmm…. The ice cream tasted superb… The food there as well … I had curry laksa while SI had fried rice and YJ had cheese croquette… Took tons of pictures of the extremely large prawn in my bowl… But erm.. the prawn don’t really taste that good though… Hmmm… Or maybe its just me…
Then we had tea at Chili’s SI had 2 large glasses of ice lemon tea while I happily gulped down 4glasses of apple juice… Hey I was thirsty ok… Had bottomless Toscada Chips refilled it 3times wakakakka… At least we made the meal worthwhile eh… Wakakakaka
Thanks YJ for the lift there and back… Still think the price of the parking ticket was rather hefty… And I wonder how we actually hanged out there for 8hours…

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