Saturday, September 10


Pranksters = Geniuses???

I learnt something new during biology today. Apparently, Prankster = Genius. This is what happened; the time was passing by excruciatingly slow during biology today. It maybe due to the lack of catalyst in class today since there was only 11present. The noise level was extremely low and productivity level was even lower, even the teacher felt bored and sleepy so she decided to take a walk. Then came the two culprits B and Wk, they decided since the time was moving in nanoseconds they should tune the clock in the class a little so that the time will seem to be moving faster, we’ll be able to go home earlier, and we’ll be able to pull her leg as well. They tuned the clock ½ hour faster then usual and acted as if nothing happened when Pn. Y came back from her stroll. When Pn. Y found out that the clock’s time and her watch’s time doesn’t tally she actually thought there was some problem with her watch and started to tell us how she got her watch etc and later changed the time of her watch. I’ve bet you can see the whole class giggling and controlling our laughter at the same time, but well she just couldn’t see any mischief in the air. Hehehe, so we just kept quiet until the last 5minutes where Wk suddenly ran out of class and put up an extremely unconvincing show trying to blame the clock for being slow. The most unbelievable thing is that she actually bought the story and started moving around to get the correct time. Then Pn. Y started saying that this will be a good joke if its on April Fool’s day etc and she said that if anyone actually pull a joke like that that person must be a genius. There were actually more happening but its rather hard to describe in words so this post may be rather confusing. But overall, isn’t it rather unbelievable that a teacher can actually be so gullible???
Oh ya, not forgeting happy birthday Mei Yuen...
Touched leh, bout your birthday celebration yesterday, wakakkaka!!!

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