Friday, July 1

Have you ever???

Have you ever felt like the world is tumbling?
Have you ever felt that things are just not going your way?
Have you ever felt like crumbling?
Have you ever felt like crying for no reason?
Have you ever feel depressed for no reason?Have you ever felt like you don’t want to care anymore?Have you ever felt like your life is in a mess?
Have you ever felt lost?
Have you ever felt like you just don’t fit in?Have you ever regretted about things?
Have you ever felt that you are just not you anymore?
Have you ever…

I’m just purely depressed… Why??? I don’t even know… Maybe it’s just that parents are pressuring me to get better results… Maybe its just because I haven’t been having great days with Pn C. Maybe its just purely PMS… I don’t know… I don’t feel like doing anything nowadays… My results are down the drain… I don’t have the urge to do clubs stuff anymore… I don’t feel like hitting the books I’m moody and blurry all day… I try to keep a happy face but deep down I just feel as I there’s lack of something… Y??? I don’t know… MUET results are coming out real soon, what if I do badly??? STPM is just round the corner what if I just don’t excel??? Nowadays I seem to produce not so great things for my clubs anymore the urge to do things is just not there anymore… Mostly for ed-board… I don’t like the teacher and the E so much… I don’t feel like being in there anymore… People can just be so insulting at times (although they weren’t commenting on me but I still feel bad for that poor fella). I just don’t seem to fit in anymore… I don’t know where I want to go after STPM… I don’t know weather my extremely poor results can get me into U… I don’t really like schooling that much anymore… I just don’t know… I don’t know whom to choose for the next ranger’s board… I don’t want to make the wrong choices… I feel rather torn into two, should I choose ones that I feel is so so or should I choose the ones that I feel I owe something to… I really don’t know!!! Hmmm… Feeling a little better after typing all this crap… Hmmm… Typing to release stress??? Hmmm maybe… I don’t know…
Haiz... Next week will be even worst... Monday go for chemistry tuition... Tuesday stay back for dissection, Wednesday saty back for ed-board photo session, Thursday stay back for maths extra class, Saturday have to go school for the entire day for blodd donation and then go check out the guides camp... Hopefully my mood will be loads better then so the people around me won't get bombarded by me and my exterme temper...
Oh ya, not forgetting Happy Birthday Pui May & Pui Yi !!!

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