Sunday, June 19

Its not always great being the only child

There are many people thinking that the only child will get whatever she/he wants, own everything to him/herself… Well, that is definitely not true…
- You don’t get everything you want (who gets anyway…)
- Your parents will control you more
~ I can’t stay at home alone (its too dangerous apparently)
~You have to report who/where you are going with (make sure you give them the phone no. of the people going out with you as well)
~Taxi, bus and every other public transport is dangerous
~You’ll get grounded for the tiniest things
~You can’t get out of the house alone… Not even a single step
~You have to spend sufficient time at home and be in their sight
~Not allowed to go out (unless there’s a special occasion) other then to school, with your parents, and school activities
~Cannot go for too many school activities or else... nag nag nag
~Everything you do must be known by them... (hey where's my privacy!!!)
~They will search and look through nearly everything you have... Haiz
~You are supposed to say yes to nearly everything they say or else welcome to the 3rd World war
~No going to a your friends house without any good reasons (at least good enough for them , school projects only not too many or else)

-I want my privacy
-I want my space
-I want more freedom

Oh ya, please pray that a friend of mine will find peace and her problems will be solved...

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