Friday, May 27


Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring… I’m so bored but I don’t really feel like crapping and felt more like slouching into one small corner to mourn and shrink into a small ball…
During the first 2-½ periods we went to the TV room to watch Emperor’s room (if I’m not mistaken)… But today I didn’t really focus on the movie because I was more focused on copying chemistry report than watching the movie… But the movie was entertaining nevertheless…
Then I wanted to go out to do some ed-board stuff… That darn ZALIM allowed but said that he wouldn’t give me the pass to go out… Hey this means that I can’t go out anyway right… ZALIM is just darn zalim… Then suffered drawing for the biology report because the fact is I can’t draw…
Then the feeling of bore ness started after recess… I felt like slouching into one small corner and shrink into a small ball and turn into dust… I also felt like thumping the whole wall down geramnya… But I don’t know why I feel this way… Hmmm… Mood swings??? Maybe, maybe not…
Going to school tomorrow, that will be the last teacher’s day celebration I’ll be attending in SMKTS… Hmmm… I wonder will it be boredom or fun??? Hmmm…

Oh ya… Happy Birthday Kimmy!!!

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