Sunday, April 17

So many things happening in one day

Sports day was so disappointing… After practicing for a few weeks we still lost… This is the last year I’ll be in this school and this year we did a better job compared to the year before I was really hoping that we could win this year after so many years of defeat. Unfortunately we still couldn’t make it, that was so devasting because the day before nearly everyone agreed that we were doing an extremely great job and some were even giving us lots of support… But what can we do the results was out, the first place went to the army cadets for the don’t know how many times in a row. The second place went to the PBSM. Oh ya… The VIP who came to give a speech during sports day… He was so long winded
At about 2o’clock it started to rain… What a great day… First losing marching then raining… I really wondered how could we start preparing for the gathering… The chairs cannot be arranged due to the rain… The backdrop couldn’t be hung up because the paint might come off… Many things couldn’t be set up… I was really frustrated… Why so many bad things happen in the same day… The scouts and the CB gang was so nice… The scouts actually helped us to do pioneering in the rain. The CB gang came early to help us prepare for the gathering…
We had to try scooping water from the field to make sure not too much water was on the field. The first time in my life I had to take a piece of cloth and dustpan to scoop out the water… So cham… We had to rush the preparations due to the rain… But we still started later than expected… Sorry ya, mad you guys wait so long (PBSM).
The opening dance… I’m so sorry guys I’m still dancing cacatedly… Thanks SK for helping us choreograph the dance and scraping out some time from your hectic time table. The wax from the candles scorched my hands like mad… Had to bear with the pain like mad and force a smile on my face… That was soooo painful… Things went quite well I suppose even though there were some downs…
Thank you Kimmy… Really loved your emcee skills… She did a really great job… She can control the crowd yet make them roar… She the best… Without her there will be no colour that night. CH was not bad but HB was seriously emcee kayu…
Erm… After seeing the gathering going on quite well I went rather high… Started screaming and jumping around… I even went to ask YN to dance with me… My xiaoness at times can’t be controlled…
The closing dance… E*** danced as if she was a slut… She wore extremely low pants… Her whole belly was out and she made the dance seem disgusting… Or at least she disgusted me with her actions…
During the preparations for these gathering… I am really touched by everything my friends did for me… They supported me in everyway… When we needed cash some contributed and so gave me ideas… When I needed a shoulder to cry on they were there for me… When I needed help they wouldn’t mind staying up till late at night just to help… When I needed some one to talk to they were there to listen… Without them standing by me at all times I don’t think I would be able to survive through all those problems. Thank you very very much…

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