Monday, April 11

The lamest gathering of the century

This award goes to the Catholic’s Guides & Rangers… It was so messy, the scouts was so uncontrollable, they had a hard time controlling them… Their emcees were even worst… Haven’t they heard the word LAME… Haven’t they heard do not fake an accent… Haven’t they heard never scream to the microphone, we are not deaf ya noe…
Their PA system was quite disastrous… Suddenly got sound… Suddenly the sound went off… Hopefully our PA system will not be that bad… Or else die…
Their choice of performance… Their singers sang lots of very irritating songs… Haiz… What good taste!??? Their Japanese Club performance was very good though… I guess that’s the only thing good during that gathering.
L** V*** or more known as E*** is darn irritating… First, she’ll enjoys “Chat Hai” her seniors by giving some odd sweet talk… Careful though… she also talk lots of bad things behind your back… She also has no respect for her seniors… F*** her… Patience has a limit!!! Hardly angry doesn’t mean will never get angry!!! Saying that the gathering is cancelled MEMALUKAN, don’t dare inform other people… Oh… Then what as if TF and I very muka tembok… Informing the rest of the people… Think she’s acting smart by changing the topic when people from other school asked her about the gathering… WTF… She even started criticizing TF & I about our personality… OMIGOD… How could she… Haiz, another brainless guide...

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