Saturday, March 5


Why when you put your effort into something and others say you didn’t do anything?
Why do problems always occur when you thought you’ve just solved it?
Why must people always blame you on things that you never did?
Why people can be so not understanding at times?
Why must the people you trust the most always be the ones that hurt you the most?
Why must life be so unfair?
Why people enjoy screaming at each other?
Why humans can be so irrational at times?
Why no one ever treasures what I ever did?
Why must some teachers be so unfair?
Why some humans are racist?
Why humans have wars against one another?
Why people can be so fake at times?
Why do people enjoy ignoring me?
Why do I always be the one to get the scolding?
Why do people enjoy backstabbing?
Why do life have its downs more then ups?
Why… Why… Why…

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