Thursday, March 3

Damn that pighead...

*Disclaimer the below may contain some offensive details or words... Please be prepared for the worst and be sure that you are at least 18or above.
How could 猪头 do that... He changed the date of sports day from 9 April to 16 April... How could he... He deliberately changed the date of the sports day to the date of the guides gathering... How could he that damn f****** guy... First he made us change that darn letters dunno how many times... After he approved it now he clashes the sports day date on to the date of the gathering... What on earth is he doing... How can he do that... I know he has authority and power to do what so ever to the school’s extra curricular activities but still... I worked so hard just to get the gathering approved but now when I thought everything is done and settled now he pops up with the stupid sports day... F*** him lar... Sorry guys, this don’t seem to be the normal me for cursing and all but... This time he really pissed me off... How could he... Furthermore, he made us rewrite the sponsorship letter again (for the I don’t know how many times...) He made us change the format of the letter god knows how many times and this time he is making us change the letter back to square one... He made us change the format back to the one that we first send in... Did he do it on purpose or??? Damn猪头... How could he do that after he approved the letter and we have sent out letters informing the other schools about our gathering Really hope he gets fired or at least something happen to him so he can get demoted or fired and he can get out of my face... 希望他走路跌倒, 过马路给车撞, 吃东西哽死... I HATE猪头!!! Really really miss the times when Pn. Ang was in charge of extra curricular actives...
Anyway, pity Kean Sheng his car got crashed into the drain by the rubbish truck... Poor guy... The car looked disfigured... The rubbish truck was trying to reverse the truck but... dunno what happened the truck crashed into Kean Sheng’s car... His car was sort of pushed into the drain and the back part of his car was very badly damaged... Lucky for Kian Kiat though... His car was just right behind Kean Sheng’s car, fortunately for him his car was save and sound...

1 comment:


aih~ that 猪头 again. he's such a pain in the ass ok. that day mr allen called me, said it was urgent, so i was rushing rushing down to the canteen, then he said that that 猪头 NEEDED the consensus of the prefectorial board (malay, chinese, indian ratio) and said he needed it by THAT DAY ITSELF. how can so last minute u tell me rite? summore that time was already last period. so i practically ran back to class, faster faster count then ran back down to give to him. and see that lansilanyong face of that 猪头 made me pissed of ok. like it was MY fault that i had to rush. then after i got back to class (u know la, my class so hot) then suddenly his ppl came and ask me to separate into LELAKI & PEREMPUAN also. f**ker. summore that time pn foo in class. wanted to belasah that 猪头 adi. idiot. *haaahh* release anger adi