Monday, February 7

Spring cleaning, Henna

Argh had to wake up at 7:00am to wash the curtains, cushion covers...etc... Gonna be CNY soon have to clean the house...
Darn got diarrhea due to eating some well... Deserted bread inside the bread container (The bread was about a week old) Haiz... Next time I’d better not eat anything that is accidentally left forgotten by my parents...
Went to Swee keng’s house to finish the bug project. Sorry guys I was rather tired and wasn’t in the mood to talk or do any other stuff, so was rather sulky...
After finishing the bug project its henna time...
Wen Teng thank you very very much for helping me draw the henna on... It turned out very well even though the colour of the butterfly on my leg was a little light... But the flower design on my hand turned out very nice yippee :)

1 comment:

wen teng said...

hehee....well good that it turned out is suppose to get darker on the second day ...