Wednesday, February 23

Founder's Day

Had to force people to go to school early today to get ready for the founder’s day celebration thing… Thought I was early because I reached school at 7:00am. But when I went to the canteen a large portion of the guides was already there… Wow, they are always not only punctual for activities but also extremely early everything. Wow, these people definitely can be the future of guides and rangers, they not only do work well but also quite responsible.
We got ready earlier than the scouts (yippee) at least they don’t have to wait for us... That darn 猪头came to grumble a bit before the activity started... Fortunately, he allowed us to join the scouts for founder’s day even though we forgot to send the appropriate letters... Hehehe (maybe 猪头isn’t so bad after all)...
It started with the flag raising ceremony by the scouts... Hehehe they flag slipped down not once, not twice but three times... hehehe... I have always thought they are very pro in every single thing... Maybe not... Erm... that was what I was thinking about at that time... But when it was our turn to do the flag ceremony... Our flag slipped down twice... My heart nearly stopped... Argh... This teaches me a lesson never to laugh at others since you yourself is not so good after all. But her ‘persetiaan’, was good... This was the one and only time I felt very proud of them for doing a great job... The girl was good, she seems thin and erm... but she managed to say the persetiaan’ loud and clear and even all the rest of the members can hear her even though the distance between her and the members were quite big... Grin, grin, and grin...
Wow... Pn Phua definitely did her homework... She did research about Lord and Lady Baden Powell (the founders of scouts, guides and rangers)... I think she knew even more things about guides, rangers and scouts than me... She told us lots of stuff about scouting and guiding...
Even though there were a bit of mistakes here and there but fortunately nothing too serious happened... Most importantly thank god the flag didn’t fly down from the top as it happened once during one of the meetings a few years ago...
Oh yes... Not forgetting HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ming Foong... Celebrating her 18th birthday... One year older lor... Be good ya

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