Sunday, January 23

Sean Im's farewell Thingy

Woke up rather hyper this morning, manybe its bcos i'm meeting my old school frineds again after not seeing for a long long time. Went 1u at bout 11& met up with Sean Im shortly after that. We went shopping first assuming that the rest will turn up late as usual. But in the end they were punctual... So sorry for making you guys wait for quite a long time in front of the cinema. Altogether there was 7of us who went(Sean Im, Yuk Jing, Li Shawn, Chai Kun, Suet Yee, Swee Keng & I). Went to eat Yoshinoya since Sean Im enjoyed the food from there, but i think the food there is just so so nothing very special. We had lots of fun catching up with each others life and gossiping( what do you expect we are typical gurls). Suet Yee & Chai Kun tried to get the correct height for their cameras 2b able to take pictures of us in auto mode. They tried stacking up stuff from trays to Yuk Jing's bible just to get the correct height. Later it took them a few attempts before getting the perfect picture.
Went shopping after lunch, Yuk Jing bought a black long sleeve shirt from MNG which i think suit her quite well, Suet Yee bought a very nice orange t-shirt from Giordano(you should have seen the queue in Giordano, never seen so many people queue up in a clothes store just to pay).
Sticker pics... We went to take a few sticker pics in da shop near da cinema. All 7of us cramped ourselves into the small little booth trying to fit everyone into the pic... Da pictures turned out quite well & we forced Sean Im to stick the pictures we took onto her purse to make sure she remembers us hehehehe...
Had loads and loads of fun 2day... Well hope Sean Im will be able to cope with her new enviroment when she leaves for Aust...

1 comment:

ьем said...

of coz we were punctual!not really la, but still..waiting 1 hour is still waiting. >:P

hahahha. y laa u go n tell how we took the pic..malu betul! hahaha :P

i need to shop stilllllll!! :D

ps: more like YOU forced...:P:P

muahha. i hope she likes it there too :)