Sunday, June 18

Back part2...

Did anyone miss me… Wakakaka…
Too much to say too little words to describe…
Some things cannot even be described by words…

Took the Sani express from PWTC to Terengganu.
The bus was so cold wei… Thought I was going to freeze to death…
Definitely didn’t get a good night’s sleep…

Reached the bus station at 530am.
Waited for the transport to Laguna resort till about 7am
Then had to wait for a few more people until bout 9am
Then waited for the boat to Redang island
Then waited for check-in and lunch…
Haiz so much waiting…
Then the fun began…
Sun, sea and sand…
Magnificent scenary…
What more can I ask…
Then came the dead corals…
Leaving its marks all over my hands and feet…
Felt safe with the life jacket on… It made me have more freedom in the sea…
My fault for not learning how to swim…
Saw an island that looked like a tortoise…

Saw the sun rise… Wow…
Canoeing is great until a certain extent though…
A friend seemed fine jumping and laughing but went to the dustbin and threw up…
Snorkeling was fun, until the time when I felt as if my ears were stuck…
That irritating buzzing sound…
Fishes swimming by your side… Whee…
Floating corpse whee...
-ve = py and I
+ve = tf and jm

Time just flies… Every story has an ending…
Time to go home…
Wrong bus wrong time… Just how much can go wrong I wonder???
I’m not the only one blur I see…
Should have asked that some one to fetch us instead of getting cheated by that stupid taxi driver... Ish ish...

Theme song of the trip...
da cheng xiao ai - wang leehom
xian zai hen xiang jian ni - daniel lee

uniform of the trip...
U2 polo tee

definately an unforgetable 4day 4night trip...

Went 1U in the afternoon to pass some stuff and some things continue from there…

Went Ming Tien at night for YC gathering…
Wasn’t really in the mood so was really quiet…
Maybe it’s the lack of sleep…
One thing for sure its not because of the people there...
Mun and Foong I want the pics ar... Faster send it to me ya....

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