Monday, May 15

Touch down...

Finally meeting them…

Reached the airport 1/2hour earlier due to anxiety…
The plane landed at 5.36pm…
They didn’t change a bit…
Still looked exactly the same…
Can’t believe that they are already 70
Still chirpy and nice as usual…

Still in the sense of duck and chicken talk…
My fault for not studying Japanese more in detailed…
Better start studying more since they’ll be here for a longer period of time in future…

Road signs at times aren’t any help and very misleading too…
We saw a road sign heading to KLCC followed it and ended up in Bangi -_-“
Otosan and okasan had to wait for about an hour for us… *blush *blush…

Had dinner with them at some restaurant near their residence…
I don’t really like their tour guide…
I feel that he is treating them more like an ATM machine…
You don’t order food for 10pax when there are only 6…
You don’t have to order sharks fin, sea cucumber and all sorts of extremely exp food k…
They always eat it in Japan… You should have ordered some authentic Malaysian food…
I wonder how much the meal must have cost… About RM400++ I suppose….
They are rich I know but they don’t waste food nor any other stuff…
Ordering too much is wasting as well k…
They packed up the left over in the end…
That’s what I like about them, rich but yet not spendthrift…
But that tourguide is just yer... Rich doesn't meant should be taken advantage of...
Their apartment in pnb darby park is great many nice facilities there… Everything is there in an arms length...

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