Monday, May 15

Recent happenigs...

Happy Wesak Day…
There are honest people out there…
Accidentally collected RM50 less from a customer and I didn’t know about it…
That customer actually went out of the shop and after that came back in just to ask weather did they give RM50 less to me… I was really fortunate to meet people like them… Or else I would have to pay that amount…

Saturday, 13May
Happy birthday CBQ… Sorry lar… Have to call you cbq cos I don’t know how to spell your name hehhehe… Can’t blame me right… A bit hard to pronounce your name… Hehehe…

Sunday, 14May
Happy Mothers Day…
Hope a friend will cheer up…

Monday, 15 May
Shall meet my host parents in a few hours time… They’ll be staying in PNB Darby Park KL…

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