Saturday, May 20

I'm so dead!!!

I’m so dead!!!
I’m so dead!!! X200000000
Accidents happen but still…
How could I if only I clung onto it in time…
If only…
Definitely have to make sure it’s in its normal mode before passing it back to the owner
I would rather drop anything that’s mine then other people’s…
At least if its mine the feeling of guilt is not there…
But now… Heart ache + sad + GUILT!!!
How could I!!!
Haven’t inform the owner yet…
I’m afraid and embarrassed to inform, but I definitely should…
If only life was a bed of roses...

19th May
Went to an Indian temple and a Chinese temple, Chinatown, Pasar Seni… Never knew how to bargain until today… Rushed like mad to work... So many weird things happened today… First a shop called me up to start a part time job… I was like I deferred the job like 1/2year ago??? Then came a call from Laguna Beach Resort… Apparently we haven’t clear the payment yet… I was like WTH???
Went for yumcha session with LY, CK and N… Got a call from home at 12sharp… I seriously thought I was going to get it… But in the end, my mom was ok with me returning at 1220am… She didn’t even say anything… It was my dad who was making a big fuss… So no harm was done hehehe… P/S thx ya N for speeding like mad to send me back… Sorry or any problem caused…

18th May
Went souvenir shopping with JM… Thanks loads for accompanying me all the way… Wow... I never knew i was so inspiring... *faints... very touched when i first opened the file but after that felt that it was hillarious... Thanks loads wei...

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